Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool


Q: Is registration for the '24-'25 school year open?

A: Registration is currently open. If you would like to register, you will "request membership" and, upon approval, set up your profile and fill out the necessary forms online prior to registration. There is a registration fee of $75. 

Q: How much do classes cost?

A: This varies by class, but most class have a materials fee (tends to run about $20, but more for cooking or science classes) as well as a monthly tuition that is typically $5 for the elementary and younger classes, and $10 for middle school and up.  Some high school classes have a higher monthly tuition, but it is generally kept at $10.  

Q: Are the any additional fees?

A: There is a building fee, due in October and February, that is the cost of using the church building (approx $125 per year per family). 

Q: Can I register my child for a class that is outside of his or her age group?

A: Students must be the age stated in the class outlines by the first day of co-op classes (9/9/24). Students inappropriately registered for a class may be placed in Study Hall for that hour. Please read class descriptions carefully to be sure your child is able to handle the homework and requirements of all the classes you choose. If your child has a specific need that affects registration and you would like to communicate it to the Board, please email [email protected] and you will be contacted to further discuss or meet about it.

Q: What are the qualifications of teachers at Harbor Christian Homeschool Co-op?

A: We are homeschool parents working together to educate our children. Some parents are former teachers professionally, and some have become wonderful teachers through their own life experience. All teachers are interviewed by the Board, required to sign the HCH Statement of Faith, submit a testimony, and have a background check completed by the Board.

Q:  Is there a requirement to teach to be part of the Co-op?

A:  There is not a requirement to teach, though everyone will be assigned a job at co-op.

Q: I have an infant/toddler and I don't want to put him/her in the nursery. Can he/she tag along with me as I help in their siblings classes?

A: Students who are not enrolled in a class are not to allowed to attend that class, regardless of age. Parents with infants/toddlers are typically assigned to the Nursery/Playroom, so you may stay with your child in that space.

Q: Some of my children attend public/private school. Can they come to co-op on days when they do not have school but there is co-op scheduled?

A: Only registered students are allowed at co-op. This is an insurance and security issue, and exceptions cannot be made.

Q: We are interested in joining HCH Co-op. May we come and visit for a day?

A: New families may make an appointment to meet with the Board ([email protected]) and come visit the facility. Students must be registered before attending classes.

Q: My child does not have a class during an hour, can he/she hang out with me so I can work with him/her?

A: All students ages 0-18 must be registered in a class (or Nursery, Playroom, or Study Hall, dependent on age) for every hour that they will be attending co-op. The Board cannot guarantee parent job placement in a specific room during a specific hour, but does endeavor to place parents in jobs that best support their family needs whenever possible.

Q:  Do we have to register for all five periods of the co-op day?

A:  No.  You may choose any one or all periods to register; whatever works best for your family.  Regardless of the chosen schedule, it is highly recommended to stay for lunch, as it is a time in our day which fosters such great community.