Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool Harbor Christian Homeschool

General Policies

Email: Email is the main form of communication with HCH families.  Please check your email regularly to stay updated with co-op events and information.

Contacting HCH on Mondays: Do NOT call the church. There is a  Absence Form on the website, or you may also email the Advisory Board at [email protected].

Absences: Unplanned Absence due to illness or emergency--Please notify the Board by email or Absence Form on the website as soon as you know                         you will be absent so we can cover your jobs for the day. Teachers, please also communicate a class plan directly with your teacher's aide                       if you are able.

                  Planned Absence--Please try to find someone to cover each of your assigned jobs by looking at the rover list located at the Board Table.                        Record your absence and job coverage information by date in the Absentee Biner at the Board Table. Please notify the Jobs Coordinator of                      your absence. Teachers, please make sure to give your teacher's aide teaching materials and information ahead of time so they can                                  substitute for you.

Visitors: Every visitor must sign in at the Board Table and wear a name tag.

Pets: No pets are allowed on the church premises. This excludes service animals.

Lunch: Lunch and snacks are to be eaten only in the lunch areas, during lunch time (12:20-12:50). Parents are responsible to make sure that their children clean up after themselves. We will also have prayer, Pledge of Allegiance, and announcements during this time.

Baby Care: Babies need to remain in the nursery. They are not allowed in the classrooms at any time. Diaper changing and nursing should be done only in the nursery.

Information Table: An informtion center will be set up in the foyer. Each family will have a Family File. It is your responsbility to check your file weekly for co-op related information or class items from teachers. If you have information you would like to post at the Information Table, it must be cleared by the Board first and should be pertinent to homeschooling. Items posted do not necesdsarily constitute HCH, Inc. endorsement or promotion.

Fundraising: Students may bring items to sell at co-op only if they are sold to support a nonprofit fundraising event or mission trip. All items must be cleared by the Board and placed on the Information Table in the foyer. Soliciting to individuals is not allowed. 

Snow Days: If Peninsula School District (PSD) is closed or delayed, co-op classes will be cancelled. School delays and closures are announced in real time on the PSD website (https://www.psd401.net/) and email notification from PSD is availabe upon request. The Board will send out an email in the even of a closure, but the earliest information will likely come from PSD.